You are not alone.

🦋💨 Don't give up.

Keep doing good things, and don't get too hung up on immediately fixing what's broken. It doesn't happen overnight.

Not all people care about the same things, nor are they required to.

Not all people believe the same things, nor are they required to.

I believe in treating all people with respect and compassion, regardless of what they believe. I've been punished for expressing this belief, but that didn't stop me from believing it.

I can't recall ever changing a mind by telling someone how wrong they were, but I have successfully changed minds in other ways. Some may not call that winning because there were no losers.

Over the half-century I've lived among them, I've learned a few things about humans.

Number One: In many ways, each individual human is exactly the same as all the other individual humans.

I'll start with the following...

We're all afraid of something. A truly fearless person is an anomaly, if they even exist.

Most, if not all, of our fears can be listed under two categories.

  1. Losing what we have
  2. Not getting what we need

If I were to build a spreadsheet comparing everything I'm afraid of losing or not getting to my genuine needs, it'd spit out a very small number representing the ratio of Think I Can't Live Without : Really Can't Live Without.

I just realized that a lot of things I'm afraid of losing have been gone a long time. What I'm really afraid of is never getting them back.

Knowing me, I probably will build that spreadsheet.

Everyone is beautiful when there are no mirrors.